Last week Marc Maron did an outstanding interview with Fresh Air's Terry Gross. One of her lines that strike out to me was when she talked about leaving home when she was a teenager in the late 60's:
"You know what I need? You know what I really, really need? I need to live alone. I need to find out who I am - outside of a group, outside of a marriage. I was too young to be committed... and I need to know myself... And I think that a lot of women go through this. Coming of age, when I came of age, when I started college in 1968... it was kind of understood that you grow up, you get married, you have children, and even if you have a job, that's the trajectory. And like I said before, I knew I wanted a different life, and I knew at some point that to have that life I need to know who I was. And without picking up on what other people wanted of me, or asked of me, or projected on me, or any of that, and that required having some room totally by myself, which I never had in my life." - Terry Gross
Listen to the interview here.