Friday, February 21, 2014

{ the closet }

Ash Bechkam has this inspiring Ted Talk today about what it means to be "in the closet". It's not just for the gays who haven't come out to loved ones about their homosexuality. Actually, we can all relate to being in the closet because as Beckham explains it, it's just a hard conversation. We should have the courage to own up to what's real and be able to live like we own our lives.
The closet is not a place where a person should live.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

{ time to thrive - ellen page }

"Loving other people begins with loving ourselves and accepting ourselves."

Thursday, February 6, 2014

"one more thing" by b.j. novak

B.J. Novak wrote a book! And here is the trailer for it. I love Mindy Kaling in this and how they pretend to be "pretentious" now that they both have books out. It's a collection of short stories.

Would you read it?

Monday, February 3, 2014

{ le week-end / valentine's }

Valentine's Day is around the corner and everyone is in a loving spirit. Whether you're in a new relationship or you've been married for years, Le Week-End is a new movie about appreciating your other half. This couple brought themselves in a new, romantic environment of Paris and will surely remind them of why they are together.

And for V-Day, share these wonderful, cute/awkward cards made by Emily McDowell:

You're Okay, I Guess / Valentine Card, Funny Love Card 190-C

Love Pie Chart Card, Funny Love Card / No. 149-C

Awkward Dating Card by Emily McDowell "I know we're not, like, together or anything"  No. 141-C

Awkward Love Card, Funny Love Card by Emily McDowell Anniversary Card / No. 142-C

Thank You For Loving Me Even Though Im Basically Insane Card 143-C