Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sacramento Color Run

Over the weekend, I did my first marathon - albeit it was merely 5K, but the "happiest 5K" at that. The Color Run was super fun as it just felt like we're all in this event as a community and all here to have a good time. I was part of the largest team assembled so I picked up the Deluxe package, which included a trucker hat and neon socks.

Colored powder was thrown on us as we ran through specified stations. By the time we got to the last station, purple, there was a limited supply of powder, but the street was covered purple. A kid ended up rolling on the floor to pick up the leftover color.

If the Color Run ends up passing through your city, why not give it a go? There wasn't really a point to any of it (not a charity event), but it was a blast nonetheless. And any excuse to make running fun is a good excuse enough.