A couple of weeks ago, Netflix released an original documentary about the comedian, Tig Notaro. Her comedy show at the Largo, despite filming being prohibited, was instantly made viral when she came on stage and decided to be real about her situation: "Hello... Good evening.... I have cancer... How are you?"
At the time of that show, she had just been diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer. That news followed a series of tragedies that Tig experienced shortly before; her mother passed away and she recently went through a break-up. Despite it all, what kept her going was getting on stage and resuming her stand-up routine. She didn't expect that that push for humor in the face of all of this would bring her a different perspective and opportunities to start a new life.
Perhaps, her sweetest outlook is how she came to understand that everything in life is part of a larger plan.
"God never gives you more than you can handle. Never. Never. When you've had it, God goes, alright, that's it.
I just keep picturing God going, you know what? I think she can take a little more. And the angels are standing back, going, God, what are you doing? You are out of your mind.
And God was like, no, no, no. I really think she can handle this."
- Tig Notaro